Control Panel

The Control Panel is home to the administrative controls that impact your entire digital workplace. To access the Control Panel: 

  1. On the Userbar, select Igloo_Userbar_ControlPanelIconSmall.png Control Panel

The Control Panel icon is only visible to enterprise and workplace administrators and member groups assigned to certain roles that provide access to a limited set of Control Panel options.


The Control Panel is divided into six sections that address specific administrative controls. 


  • Public Activity: Enable anonymous commenting throughout the entire site.
  • Trash Can: Recover recently deleted items.
  • Online Status: Members can set their online status to alert other members of their availability. Administrators can customize the default status settings for all members.
  • Manage Archive: Review archived items, archive policies, and items queued for archiving.



  • Manage Members: Perform administrative tasks related to members of your digital workplace.
  • Manage Groups: Add, remove, or create groups, and manage which members belong to them.
  • Invitations: Invite members to join your Igloo and create a custom welcome message.
  • Points and Status: Configure a gamification scheme for your digital workplace based on points and contributor status levels.
  • Public Registration: Open your workplace to the public and manage related settings.
  • Sign In Settings: Allow people to reset a forgotten password and enable login session keep-alive timers.



  • Global Settings: Turn standard digital workplace features on or off site-wide.
  • Public/Private Access: Open all pages for public viewing and change how public users register.
  • Manage Labels: Create a group of labels for content created in your digital workplace.
  • Community Details: Change the name of your digital workplace.
  • Social Media Sites: Enable social link sharing throughout your digital workplace.
  • Localization: Set the time zone, the first day of the week, and the time at which digest notifications are sent.


  • Igloo Support: This is a link to our Support Site, where you can find the technical documentation for all of your workplace’s features and functionality.
  • Report Bug: Link to our bug submission form.
  • Request Feature: Submit an idea for new features and functionality.