Editing comments

Modify existing comments to help maintain your digital workplace. Examples of reasons to modify a comment include removing inappropriate language or content and correcting factual errors or misleading information.

Sections in this article: 


  • Notifications: Editing a comment does not send a notification to the comment's author.
  • Flagging of edited comments: Edited comments display a "Last edited by " message below them that identifies who made the latest edit, and when it was made.
  • Comment moderation: If comment moderation is turned on, edits to existing comments require moderator approval before they are applied and visible to other users.

Who can do this?

Edit comments

  1. Go to the content that has the comment.
    • For Microblogs, comment options are not accessible from the Microblog Posts widget or microblog channel; you must go to the post itself. To get to the post from a Microblog Posts widget or microblog channel: select  Action next to the post, and then View Post.
  2. Scroll down to the comments section and find the comment.
  3. Select the  Action button, and select Edit
  4. In the WYSIWYG editor, update the comment. 
  5. Select Save.