Every user in a digital workplace has a Personal Profile that displays information about them. By completing the available profile fields users can give other workplace members a way to put a face to a name, highlight skill sets, and help improve collaboration by providing methods points of contact. A summary of key profile information is shown on a member's Profile Card.
Administrators who want to customize the layout and available profile fields should explore Premium Profiles.
Sections in this article:
Considerations and caveats
Profile field chips
Some profile fields, like Expertise and My Interests, display their content as selectable chips. Selecting these will do a member search with the chip as the search query. The search will return members with matching results somewhere in their profile. If the chip contains multiple terms, only one term needs to be present; this feature does not support phrase searches.
Viewing profiles
Users can navigate to their own profile by clicking the Profile option of the Userbar's User Menu.
To view another user's profile:
- Click the user's name or profile picture where it appears in the workplace. A clickable name is provided when a user creates content, modifies content, is @mentioned, is displayed in the Members widget, or from the Member Directory.
- Administrators can also navigate to a user's profile by clicking their name on the Manage Members page of the Control Panel.
Parts of a profile
A profile displays the following information about a user (some parts may not be visible due to privacy settings or workplace functionality):
- What's on your mind?: Enter text that will appear next to your username in some configurations of Widgets (Members Widget and Recent Contributors Widget) and the Member Directory (Tile and Row).
- Profile Photo: Displays a generic image until the user uploads their own photo.
- Online status: Displays a users current Online status in the workplace.
- Personal and work fields: Displays completed fields, except for a user's Preferred Language.
- Points and Status level: Displays a user's Status Level, progress towards the next Status Level, and the current number of points.
- Contacts: Displays a user's contacts within the workplace.
- Email: Displays the My Email link, and Download Contact Card links. Clicking My Email will open a new email in your preferred email client with the profile owner’s email address pre-populated in the “To” field. Clicking Download My Contact Card downloads an email contact card file (.vcf) for the profile owner.
- Activity: Displays a user's content creation and versioning activity on content (Blogs, Calendars, Folders/Files, Wikis) for the past 6 months, in increments of 25 items. Each entry provides a link to the content that was created, and the date this action occurred. Added files use an icon that indicates their file type, or an image thumbnail if the file is an image. This activity feed respects Access Levels, a user will only see items that they have access to.
- Summary: Displays a count of the different types of content that the user has created during the last 6 months. Content types include: Blog Articles, Calendar Events, Uploaded Documents, Forum Posts, and Wiki Articles. Deleted content is not included in this count.
- Achievements: Displays a summary of the Badges and Status levels earned by a user. Each entry will show an icon, the name of the badge/status, and the points value of the achievement. Administrators and users with the Manage Reputation role will also see an option to "Give Badge" (a green “+” in the upper right) as well as the option to remove any badge (a gray “-” next to each badge listing).
When a user views their own profile, they also see what Groups they are a member of. This list is subdivided into the different types of Igloo groups: System groups, Member groups, and Space groups. Selecting any of these groups provides navigation to a view of the Member Directory filtered by members of the selected group.
Editing profile information
Users can perform the following activities when editing their Personal Profile:
- Edit personal and work information
- Set which profile fields are visible to other users
- Add a profile photo
- Change their email
- Change their password
- Change their preferred language
With the exception of changing a user's email, password, and preferred language, Workplace Administrators can navigate to a user's profile from the Control Panel's Manage Member page and perform these same activities. Using the bulk upload, Workplace Administrators and users with the "Perform Bulk User Uploads", can quickly change the profile information of many users at once. Organizations that have an active directory containing user information should consider using the ILST to automatically update profile field information.