Recommended Search Results allow you to surface digital workplace content prominently in search results based on specific keywords and phrases. Enterprise and workplace administrators place these terms on content, and when a user in your workplace performs a search that contains the term, the matched content will appear at the top of the search results list with a Recommended label.
Content that matches multiple terms will be featured above content that matches fewer terms. For example, placing the keyword "wireless" on a wiki article containing instructions on connecting to the office's wireless network ensures that the article will appear at the top of search results when the search term contains "wireless." Effectively applying terms to important content helps to reduce the amount of time users spend looking for the information they need to be productive.
Recommended Search Results are displayed in the Userbar quick search results, in the Unified Search Widget, on the search results page, and the mobile app's search results page.
Sections in this article:
- Content support: Users, microblog posts, and specific tasks cannot have terms associated with them.
Applying terms to content
Content and its associated terms (keywords and phrases) are displayed and configured from the Search page found on the Control Panel. Changes made to content names may take up to two minutes to be reflected on this page. Recommended results for archived content will appear at the top of the list and be highlighted in red to flag the content for review.
To apply terms to content, see Configuring terms for Recommended Search Results.
You can download a CSV file containing all your Recommended Results by selecting Download, located above the list of Recommended Results. The resulting CSV file will contain the following columns:
- Updated by
- Title
- Keywords
- Location
- Date updated
- Type
Best Practices
The Recommended Search Results functionality is an excellent tool to ensure users are finding critical corporate documents and commonly requested documents quickly and easily. Proper governance of your Recommended Search Results is essential to ensure the relevancy and accuracy of the provided results. Consider these best practice recommendations when setting up Recommended Search Results:
- Assign your digital workplace team to manage your Recommended Search Results to ensure there's a dedicated group managing and monitoring the results added.
- Create a forum for digital workplace members to request a new recommended result from the digital workplace team. Add a link to the forum on a heavily trafficked page to make it easy for users to submit a request.
- Engage your organization's stakeholders and department leaders to gather the top themes/topics they know employees search for.
Keyword searching: Recommended Search Results use exact keyword search. You may benefit from considering:
- Pluralization of keywords
- Alternate tenses (e.g., ran, run, running)
- Alternate spellings or common misspellings (e.g., American English vs. British English)
- Common acronyms
- Company alternative terms (e.g., Kudos vs. Awards vs. Recognition)
- Avoid using common, generic terms as keywords (e.g., Corporate or Whitepaper), as these are too broad to provide relevant results.
- Where to direct users: Direct users to pages and spaces instead of individual pieces of content to provide more context around the search request, ensuring users can find the information they seek. They may even discover additional relevant information on the page or within the space they may have yet to consider while searching.