Add a new or previous member to your digital workplace. This member can then access your digital workplace and view any location they or their groups can access.
Sections in this article:
- Alternative methods of adding users: If you need to add multiple users simultaneously, consider using a Bulk Upload or Invitations. Organizations that have an Active Directory should consider managing members using the ILST.
- Notifications: Adding users with this method does not notify them of their membership to your digital workplace.
Passwords: When adding a user this way, you must assign them a password.
- Users with email accounts can then use this password to authenticate to your digital workplace using Igloo authentication. After adding this type of user, it is best to trigger a password reset or ask them to follow the forgotten password reset steps to change their password to something they only know.
- When users with member IDs log in for the first time, they will be prompted to enter a new password and security questions.
- Users with email accounts can then use this password to authenticate to your digital workplace using Igloo authentication. After adding this type of user, it is best to trigger a password reset or ask them to follow the forgotten password reset steps to change their password to something they only know.
- Prior members: If the user you are adding was previously a member of your digital workplace, the password you enter will not override their existing password. However, you still must enter a value in the Password field.
- Member account guidelines: For information about the responsibilities associated with managing accounts, see Member account guidelines.
Who can do this?
- Enterprise Administrators
- Workplace Administrators
- Members of groups with the Add Members role
Password requirements
When creating an Igloo authentication password, it must conform to these rules:
- Contain between 10 and 50 characters
- Contain at least one uppercase character
- Contain at least one lowercase character
- Contain at least one digit
- Contain at least one special character (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
- Does not match any of the last 5 passwords used for Igloo.
- Does not contain the account's username
- Does not contain Unicode characters
Add a member to the digital workplace
- Select
Control Panel.
- Under Membership, select Manage Members.
- Select Add Members.
- Enter the user's First name (maximum of 70 characters).
- Enter the user's Last name (maximum of 70 characters).
- Select the type of account: Email or Member ID.
- Member ID accounts, also known as extended access accounts, are meant for users who do not have access to a corporate email. If you cannot select Member ID, it has not been turned on for your digital workplace. For more information, see Extended access.
- Depending on your selected account type, enter either an Email (maximum of 100 characters) or Member ID (maximum of 63 characters).
- Enter a Password. For password rules, refer to the Password requirements section above.
- Re-enter the password in the provided field.
- (Optional) If the account type is Email, under System Groups, select Administrators to make this member a workplace administrator. Extended access accounts can't be workplace administrators.
- (Optional) Under Regular Groups, select which member and space groups to add this user to.
- Select Create Member.
- Notify the user of how they can log into the digital workplace.