Primary navigation

The primary navigation feature displays areas at the root level of your digital workplace. It is used to move people between areas of the digital workplace quickly and efficiently. It reflects the organization of the digital workplace and can help people understand how to browse it. It is easy to access, staying at the top of the page, no matter where you navigate within the digital workplace.

The primary navigation bar of a digital workplace.

Sections in this article: 


  • Navigation links: These are links to areas at the top of the architecture, including the homepage and any channels, pages, or spaces present.
  • Access controlled: Navigation items are controlled by access to prevent users from seeing navigation items to which they don't have the appropriate access. 
  • Dropdowns: Channels, pages, or spaces nested beneath primary navigation items in the digital workplace's architecture can appear in dropdown menus.
  • Hidden from navigation: Channels, pages, or spaces can be hidden from navigation from their full Edit page or the Site Manager.
  • More Links: If the bar contains too many navigation items, they will collapse into the More Links dropdown.

Use the navigation bar

To move through the workplace using the primary navigation feature, select the item from the menu to browse to it or hover over it to expand the dropdown menu. See Site Manager to learn more about arranging or hiding items or configuring dropdowns in the navigation.

Frequently Asked Questions

I've hidden something from the primary navigation, but people can still find it.

Hiding items from the navigation bar removes the links but doesn't change the permissions on the item. Remove any access rules to ensure that people can't access an item.

When does the primary navigation collapse items into more links?

The More Links option appears based on the longest item in the navigation bar and how many of those items the navigation bar can fit. Suppose the navigation bar contains a microblog channel called "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." In that case, it will count how many characters it can fit in the bar and collapse items into More Links as soon as there's one too many.

An item is only appearing in the primary navigation for administrators. Why does it not appear for other workplace members?

The primary navigation feature obeys all access rules, so people may have different items in their navigation bar based on their access to the digital workplace. If an item doesn't appear, it is likely that they don't have the proper permissions to access it.