Secondary navigation

Secondary navigation appears under the titles of pages and spaces, and lets people move between the areas of the digital workplace nested beneath them.

A Space's navigation bar.

Sections in this article: 

Use cases

Use secondary navigation to guide people to areas under spaces and pages, including channels containing content, or pages that have more information.

Features and functionality

Links to areas in the digital workplace are nested beneath this item in the architecture, including the homepage and any channels, pages, or spaces present.

Navigation items are controlled by access permissions, so areas that members don’t have access to do not appear in navigation.

Supports dropdowns for channels, pages or spaces nested beneath secondary navigation items in the digital workplace’s architecture.

Items can be hidden from navigation from their Full Edit screen, or from the Site Manager.

Navigation items will collapse into the More Links dropdown if there are too many items for the bar to contain.

How to configure secondary navigation

To configure the secondary navigation bar of a page, see Enabling the sub-navigation bar of a page.

Spaces show their secondary navigation bars by default.

Frequently asked questions

I’ve hidden something from the secondary navigation, why are some people still able to find it?

Hiding items from the navigation bar removes the links, but doesn’t change the access permissions on the item. In order to make sure that people can’t access an item, remove any access rules, as specified under access.

When does the secondary navigation collapse items into More Links?

The More Links option appears based on the longest item in the navigation bar, and how many of that item the navigation bar can fit. If the navigation bar contains a microblog channel called “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” it will count how many of characters or letters it can fit in the bar, and collapse items into More Links as soon as there is one too many.

An item is only appearing in secondary navigation for the administrator. Why does it not appear for other members of the workplace?

The Secondary Navigation obeys all access rules, so people may have different items in their navigation bar based on the access they have in the workplace. If an item does not appear, it is likely that they do not have the proper permissions to access it.

Best practices 

Use organization to your advantage

Keep core elements like calendars, discussions, or often-consulted resources at the top level of a space or page, to help people get around the site, and encourage them to move deeper into the digital workplace. This could even include a help item, with links to documentation or contextual information for the area.

Use access permissions to shape your navigation experience

Use access permissions to your advantage by giving certain members a customized view of the workplace. If someone doesn’t have at least Read access to an item, it won’t appear in the navigation. Use that to curate the navigation experience for some users, and not for others. This can be done by putting permissions on certain items to keep people in primary navigation.