Pin important content to the top of a channel's feed. This content will stay at the top of the feed as newer content is published.
Sections in this article:
Considerations and caveats
Content that supports being pinned: You can pin the following content types:
Blog articles
- Forum posts
Enabling pinning: Pinning must be turned on for a channel; see enabling and disabling pinning on Blog and Forum channels.
- Pinned content in widgets: Pinned content will only appear pinned in the following widgets (The Show pinned items layout option of these widgets controls whether pinned content is pinned in the widget.):
Who can do this
- Workplace administrators
- Space administrators
- Users with at least Edit access to content to pin it.
How to pin content
Content can be pinned using the Actions menu:
- Go to the channel containing the content or the content itself.
- In the channel, select Actions beside the content's title, or in the content itself, select Actions. Then select Pin.
- (Optional) To set when the content becomes unpinned, select This pin will expire on followed by the date using the provided calendar.
- Select Pin.
Content can be pinned by editing the content:
- Go to the content that you want to pin.
- Select Actions, followed by Edit.
- Select Advanced Options to expand the section.
- Under Pinning, select Pin this content.
- (Optional) To set when the content becomes unpinned, select the Pin Expiry followed by the date using the provided calendar.
- Select Save changes.