Pin content

Pin important content to the top of a channel's feed. This content will stay at the top of the feed as newer content is published.

Sections in this article: 

Considerations and caveats

Who can do this

  • Workplace administrators
  • Space administrators
  • Users with at least Edit access to content to pin it.

How to pin content 

Content can be pinned using the Actions menu:

  1. Go to the channel containing the content or the content itself. 
  2. In the channel, select Actions beside the content's title, or in the content itself, select Actions. Then select Pin.
  3. (Optional) To set when the content becomes unpinned, select This pin will expire on followed by the date using the provided calendar.
  4. Select Pin.

Content can be pinned by editing the content:

  1. Go to the content that you want to pin.
  2. Select Actions, followed by Edit.
  3. Select Advanced Options to expand the section. 
  4. Under Pinning, select Pin this content.
  5. (Optional) To set when the content becomes unpinned, select the Pin Expiry followed by the date using the provided calendar. 
  6. Select Save changes