Managing the authentication method of a digital workplace using the EAP

You can use the Enterprise Administration Panel (EAP) to select how users sign in to their digital workplace. While you can also configure the authentication method from EAP, it is recommended that you go to the digital workplace and do so using its Sign In Settings page. 

Sections in this article:  


  • Authentication methods: The following authentication methods are available:
    • Igloo: Sign in page requires users to enter their Igloo authentication credentials.
    • SAML: Sign in page redirects to the configured IdP. Users must enter their SSO credentials to sign in.
    • Igloo/SAML: Sign in page defaults to Igloo, but contains a button to navigate to the configured IdP. Users can enter their Igloo authentication credentials from the default Sign in page, or navigate to the IdP to enter their SSO credentials to sign in. 
    • LDAP: Sign in page requires users to enter their LDAP Auth credentials. 

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators

Select the authentication method of a single digital workplace

  1. While signed into a digital workplace that is part of the Networked Enterprise, on the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under, select EAP.
  3. On the Workplaces page, search for and select the digital workplace that you want to manage.
  4. Select the Authentication tab.
  5. Use the Select authentication method dropdown to select the authentication method you want the workplace to use.
  6. (Optional) Select Lock authentication settings to turn off the workplace's Sign in Settings page. 
  7. If you selected SAML, Igloo/SAML, or LDAP as the authentication method, you could choose to configure them from this location. However, we advise you not to and to refer to Configure the authentication method section below.  
  8. Select Save.

Select the authentication method for multiple digital workplaces

  1. While signed into a digital workplace that is part of your Networked Enterprise, on the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Resources, select EAP.
  3. On the Workplaces page, select the checkbox next to each workplace you want to edit. You can select the checkbox in the header row of the workplace table to select all workplaces on the current page. Once selected, select Select all items to select each workplace in your Networked Enterprise.
  4. Above the table of workplaces, select Manage.
  5. Select the Features tab.
  6. Select the Authentication Method that you want to use for the selected workplaces. You must still configure the authentication method; see the Configure the authentication method section below.  
  7. (Optional) On the Features tab, select Lock authentication settings to turn off the selected workplaces' Sign in Settings page. 
  8. Select Save.

Configure the authentication method

You should avoid configuring authentication within EAP; instead, go to the digital workplace and configure the authentication method there. If this page is locked, you must unlock it using the Lock authentication settings setting in EAP. 

View the configuration instructions that correspond to the method you've selected: