Clocks and Time Zone enhancement

The Clocks and Time Zone enhancement gives you the ability to add digital or analog clocks to a Page in your digital workplace. These clocks display the current time in multiple time zones. Displaying this information can be useful when your organization has offices located in different parts of the world. This enhancement uses the HTML widget.

 If your digital workplace already has this enhancement, you can find configuration steps on your Styles page.   

Digital clocks showing the time in multiple time zones.
Digital clocks with iconography showing the time in multiple time zones.
Analog clocks showing the time in multiple time zones.

Sections in this article:

Request enhancement

To request this enhancement, please complete and submit an Enhancement Request Form

Considerations and caveats

Keep in mind the following when using the Clocks and Time Zone enhancement:

  • Clocks will not immediately update to represent the accurate time if a region changes how it observes time (ex. If a country decides to stop using daylight savings time).
  • By default, digital clocks do not include icons.

Configuration options

The Clocks and Time Zone enhancement has the following configuration options:

  • Select whether the clocks are analog or digital.
  • Select how many clocks you need.
  • Select what time zones to use. 
  • If you have arranged to use icons with your digital clocks, determine which icons are associated with which time.