Ghostwriting content

Ghostwriting, writing content credited to another member, can be done by saving content as a draft and then publishing it as another member. Content creators within an organization can use ghostwriting to attribute content to executive team members or dedicated publishing accounts.

Sections in this article: 

Considerations and caveats

What supports ghostwriting

You can select an author when publishing the following types of content:

  • Blog posts
  • Calendar events
  • Files
  • Forum topics 
  • Wiki articles

You can't ghostwrite comments (including forum posts), tasks, or microblog posts.

New content only

You can only ghostwrite new or unpublished content. Published content cannot have its author changed.

Draft history

As actions or notes are made on draft content, they are recorded in a history timeline located above the draft. This draft history is lost when the draft is published.


While content is in draft, you can add additional authors to it. These added authors can view and edit the draft. However, only authors with at least Write level access to the content or at least Edit level access to the channel can publish the draft. 

Once an author publishes the content, all authors will have individual access rules on the content as specified by the Channel's Authors access rule. 

For more information about Access, see Access.


When you add a member as an author, they receive an email notification. Additional notifications are sent to all authors when the content is edited, notes are added, or the content is published.

These notifications contain the term Moderation Notification in the subject line and will indicate who performed this action.

For more information about Notifications, see Notifications.


Only the publishing author receives an automatic subscription to the published content. The publishing author may not get this automatic subscription if they've changed their automatic subscription settings.

For more information about Subscriptions, see Subscriptions.

Moderated channels and emailing content into a channel

Since ghostwriting requires content being saved as a draft first, you can't typically ghostwrite content that you email into a channel. However, if an author emails the content to a moderated channel, moderators can add and change the author before approving the content.

How to ghostwrite content



  1. Create your content and save it as a draft. For more information about creating specific types of content, see:
  2. If you are not already on the draft page of your content, go to the draft. 
    1. On your Userbar, select To Dos.
    2. Select Drafts.
    3. Select the draft that you want to ghostwrite.
  3. Add the member that you are ghostwriting for as an author of the content.
    1. Select the + plus button to add another author to the content.
    2. In the Add Author window, enter the name of the member that you intend to ghostwrite for. As you enter the member’s name, matches will appear in a flyout menu. When you see the correct member, select them.
    3. Select Add to confirm your selection.
  4. Publish the content as the other member
    1. Select Publish.
    2. Select the drop-down next to Publish as.
    3. Select the author that you are ghostwriting for.
    4. Select Publish.