You can control whether broadcasts are turned on in your digital workplace, which groups of users can send them, and any limitation placed on the number of users to whom broadcasts can be sent. When turned on, users with the appropriate roles can broadcast content and a custom message to other groups in the digital workplace.
Broadcasts arrive as email notifications outside of the platform, messages inside the digital workplace, and items in the mobile app's Notifications tab to targeted group members. Users can then select the link provided in the broadcast to go to that location in the digital workplace.
Sections in this article:
Where does the option to broadcast appear: When turned on, users that can broadcast can do so for:
- Existing content that supports broadcasting by selecting Broadcast at the bottom of its page.
- New content supports broadcasting by accessing the Broadcast section of Advanced Options while creating the content.
What you can broadcast: You can broadcast the following:
- Channels (existing)
- Pages (existing)
- Space homepages (existing)
- Member Directory page (existing)
- Pulse page (existing)
- Blog articles (new and existing)
- Calendar events (new and existing)
- Files and folders (existing)
- Microblog post (existing)
- Forum topics (new and existing)
- Wiki articles (new and existing)
- Branded notifications: See Branded notifications for information about adding your organization's logo and primary color to the email notification generated by broadcasts.
Who can do this?
- Enterprise administrators
- Workplace administrators
Configure broadcast settings
- On the Userbar, select
Control Panel.
- Under Settings, select Global Settings.
- In the Broadcast section, select Enable broadcast messaging throughout the entire site to turn broadcasts on; de-select this option to turn off broadcasts.
- (Optional) To limit the size of member groups that non-administrators can broadcast to, select the checkbox beside Broadcasting is limited to member groups with X users or fewer. Update the value X to the maximum number of users in the group.
- (Optional) To display a warning message for non-administrators when a broadcast exceeds a set number of unique recipients, select the checkbox beside Enable a warning message for Broadcasts that surpass X unique recipients. Update the value X to the maximum number of unique broadcast recipients. The warning message will display: "Warning Message: The number of recipients for your broadcast notification exceeds the limit specified in your organization's broadcast policy. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
- At the bottom of the page, select Save.
Manage who can broadcast
Users in the Administrator system group can send broadcasts to any group or any number of unique recipients in the digital workplace.
After broadcasts are turned on, you should configure which groups can send them. To send broadcasts, a user must be a group member with one of the following roles.
- Broadcast to your groups: Group members with this role can only send broadcasts to their groups.
- Broadcast to all groups: Group members with this role can send broadcasts to any group in the digital workplace. Restrictions can be placed on this role via the Configure Broadcast Settings section above.
To assign a role:
- On the Userbar, select
Control Panel.
- Under Membership, select Manage Groups.
- Select Manage Roles.
- Select the Broadcast Management tab.
- Next to the role you want to assign (Broadcast to your groups or Broadcast to all groups), select Assign Groups and select the group that should have this role. When selecting a group, you can search for its name.
- At the bottom of the page, select Save.