Manage - Action Button

The Manage option of the Action button allows you to see the publishing status of all content within a channel. Content within this area is divided into categories: Drafts, In Review, Published, and Unpublished. When moderation is turned on, the Manage page allows you to manage an item in a channel with an assigned moderator. 

The In Review tab of the Manage page.

Sections in this article: 

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators
  • Space administrators
  • Members of the digital workplace with Write, Edit or Full access


Items posted to a channel are organized into categories that reflect their publishing status: 

  • Drafts: Items are currently being worked on but are not ready to be published or reviewed.
  • In Review: Items sent to a moderator for review and approval.
  • Assigned: An item will appear as assigned if a moderator chooses to assign an item to another person.
  • Unassigned: If a moderator does not assign the item to another person and chooses to moderate the item themselves, the item will live under unassigned.
  • Published: Items that are published and currently live in the digital workplace.
  • Unpublished: Items ready to publish but waiting in queue for their set publishing date.
  • Comments: If moderated comments have been turned on through the channel settings, comments pending approval will also appear in the In Review section.

Access the Manage page

  1. Go to the channel. 
  2. Select Actions and then Manage. Alternatively, you can add ?action=manage to your channel URL.
  3. On the Manage page, select the appropriate tab:

    • Drafts

    • In Review (Only available if moderation has been turned on for the channel.)
    • Published

    • Unpublished