Customizing digital workplace online status text

You can change the text associated with each online status indicator for the entire digital workplace. These indicators appear on users' profile photos, profile cards, and profile pages to signal a user's current availability to other users in your digital workplace. See Changing your online status for information about how users interact with online statuses.

A profile card showing a users online status.

Sections in this article: 

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators

Customize digital workplace online status text

Online Status page for editing statuses.

  1. On the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Overview, select Online Status.
  3. For each of the four statuses, enter the text you want to associate with it or select use default to revert the text to its default value. These default values are:
    • Online
    • Away
    • Busy
    • Offline
  4. Select Save.