
Contains a record of all blog channel content within the digital workplace. Creating a new blog article or archiving an existing blog article will add a row to this table.




Name Data Type Connects to:
blog_key Edm.Int64
archive_status_key Edm.Int32
blog_state_key Edm.Int32
Key Attributes
Name Data Type Description
blog_name Edm.String The name assigned to a blog article.
source_system_id Edm.Guid A unique identifier for a blog article.
row_active_date Edm.DateTimeOffset The date the current row was created.
row_inactive_date Edm.DateTimeOffset The date the current row was made inactive. Active rows will have a date with the year 9999.
community_key Edm.Int32 A unique identifier for a digital workplace.
Table Attributes