Create a personal dashboard

Create your own dashboard to curate relevant content for your digital workplace experience. You can view your dashboards on your Dashboards page from the Userbar

You can have multiple workplace dashboards.

Sections in this article:


  •  Turn personal dashboards on: Personal dashboards must be turned on in your digital workplace to create new dashboards; see Dashboards.

Who can do this?

  • Any digital workplace member

Create a personal dashboard

To create a personal dashboard:

  1. On the Userbar, select your name and then Dashboards.
  2. Select Add Personal Dashboard
  3. In Navigation Title, enter a name for the dashboard. This name determines the dashboard's URL and appears on the dashboard's secondary navigation bar.
    • While you can change this name, the URL will always contain the original dashboard's name.
  4. Place widgets on the dashboard to display content, provide easy navigation, or extra utility.
  5. (Optional) Select Preview to preview how the dashboard will appear when published. 
  6. Select Create Dashboard.

Edit a personal dashboard

To edit a personal dashboard: 

  1. On the Userbar, select your name and then Dashboards.
  2. Select the dashboard. Or if there are multiple dashboards, select Personal Dashboards and then the dashboard. 
  3. Select  Actions and then Edit.
  4. (Optional) If there is a saved draft, the latest saved draft will be displayed for editing. Select Switch to published version to edit the current dashboard instead of the most recent draft dashboard. 
  5. (Optional) To revert to a previous version of the dashboard, select the Version History dropdown and select a version of the page. The page will automatically load this version but not apply it. 
  6. Update the widgets on the dashboard as needed.
  7. Select Publish Dashboard

Delete a personal dashboard

When deleted, personal dashboards cannot be recovered. To permanently delete a personal dashboard:

  1. On the Userbar, select your name and then Dashboards.
  2. Select the dashboard. Or if there are multiple dashboards, select Personal Dashboards and then the dashboard. 
  3. Select  Actions and then Delete.
  4. When prompted, select Ok