Dropbox integration

The Dropbox integration widget provides a portal into your existing Dropbox files from within your digital workplace. Through it, you can view, add, and download files in Dropbox.

For more information about integrations, refer to the Integrations widget article.

Sections in this article:

Widget layoutThe Dropbox widget on a page.

Location Description

You can search for files and folders in your Dropbox through the search bar.

The Dropbox widget's search box.
Add folders

Select Add folders to create and name new folders and sub-folders through the widget.

Upload files

Select  Upload files to upload new files to any location in your Dropbox.

Actions menu

The rightmost column of the file list in the widget contains an icon with three dots. Select Igloo_Integrations_ActionIconSmall.pngActions to open a menu with additional features.

The Dropbox widget's menu.

Actions menu: View in Dropbox

Select a file name or select View in Dropbox will open a file in the Dropbox interface.

Actions menu: Download

Select Download will save the selected file to your computer or device.

Actions menu: Delete File

Select Delete will remove that file from Dropbox as if deleted from within the standard Dropbox interface.

Actions menu: Information

Select Information will open a small prompt with details on the file like the author, size, and its online location.

Information about a file.


Set up

  1. Place an  Integrations widget on a page, space, or dashboard. For more information, see Placing and setting up a widget
  2. Select the placed widget's Edit button.
  3. Under Integration Library, select Igloo Integration Library.
  4. Select Dropbox from the library.
  5. Review and make changes to the settings on the Options and Appearance tabs. You can find details about the widget's settings in the Settings section below.
  6. In the widget editor, select Update to apply your changes.
  7. At the bottom of your page, space, or dashboard, select Publish or Save as Draft to save your changes.


Options tab

Setting Description

Enter a title for the widget. The title appears as a heading above the widget's contents. You should use the title to provide context to the widget and better structure a page's content by clearly denoting different sections.

When entering a title, you do so only for your currently selected language. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should select Translation and enter a title for each supported language. 

This field can contain a maximum of 140 characters.

Title link

Enter the URL of a location in your digital workplace. Users who click the widget's title, if it has one, will go to this location. Whether you enter the link as a relative URL or an absolute URL does not matter, it will convert to an absolute URL the next time you edit the widget.

This field can contain a maximum of 2,083 characters.


Enter a description for the widget. The description appears between the title and the widget's contents. You can use this text to provide information to users about the widget.

When entering a description, you do so only for your currently selected language. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should select  Translation and enter a description for each supported language.

General options
Setting Description
Initial Folder Path

If you would like the Dropbox integration to display a specific folder when it loads, enter the ID of that folder in the Initial Folder ID field. The folder ID can be found as part of the folder’s URL when navigating in the Dropbox web interface.
If you want to use the root folder, leave it as “\”.

Enable View in Dropbox

Enable the option for files to be viewed in the Dropbox interface. 

Enable Auto Height

Enable to automatically adjust its height to match the folder content in the widget. 

Show search

Enable to to display a search bar within the widget.

Show Last Modified

Enable to display the Last Modified column in file list.

Show File Type


Enable to display the Type column in file list.

Show File Size

Enable to display the Size column in file list.

Advanced options

Appearance tab

Appearance options
Setting Description

Enter CSS class selectors to provide additional styling to the widget. For more information, see Applying custom CSS to widgets.


Select the height of the widget.

The default value is Auto (leftmost slider position) scales the widget's height to fit its contents. You can use the slider to set a fixed height between 50px to 600px in increments of 50px.

Selecting a height less than what is needed to display its contents results in the widget having a vertical scrollbar.


Your digital workplace's theme overwrites many of the settings on the Appearance tab. However, the settings listed above are usable.

Frequently asked questions

Can I save files from my Igloo into Dropbox, or vise versa?

Not directly. Due to security restrictions on both sides, Dropbox cannot transfer files directly to Igloo, nor can Igloo transfer files to Dropbox. You will need to download the files and then upload them in the other system if you need to move or copy them.

Can I search my Dropbox through the normal Igloo search feature?

The only way to search your Dropbox is through the widget. Igloo does not have direct access to your Dropbox because of security restrictions.