Manage Archive

Your digital workplace supports content archiving and retention schedules. Content that is no longer relevant to the needs of your digital workplace members can be easily archived. This feature allows you to manage workplace archiving policies and view content that is archived or in the queue to be archived.

Only enterprise and workplace administrators can access the digital workplace's Manage Archive feature. To get to the digital workplace's Manage Archive page:

  1. On the Userbar, select Control Panel.
  2. Under Overview, select Manage Archive.

However, space administrators can view their space's queued and archived content in their space's Manage Archive page. To get to a space's Manage Archive page: 

  1. Go to the space and select Administration.
  2. Under Overview, select Manage Archive.

Sections in this article: 



The following tabs are found on the Manage Archives page:


The Queue tab of the Manage Archive page.

The Queue tab displays the items scheduled to be archived and allows you to postpone or prevent archiving. See Postpone or stop the archiving of queued content


The Archive tab of the Manage Archive page.

The Archive tab displays recently archived items and allows you to restore content to be unarchived. See Archive or unarchive content


The Policies tab of the Manage Archive page.

The Policies tab displays the Retention Policy Settings, only available on the digital workplace Manage Archive page. Retention Policy Settings allows you to create rules to archive content for blog articles, calendar events, files, forum posts, or microblog posts in the digital workplace. You can set the rule to work a given number of days, weeks, months, or years following a specific event, such as last comment, end of event, publish date, last version, and post date. A grace period can be defined to allow content to be postponed or prevented from archiving in the archiving queue. See Create, edit, or delete a workplace archiving policy