Enabling a spoke to search the hub

You can give users the ability to search the hub from their spoke. When turned on, users can toggle the Search Results page to show results from their Networked Enterprise's hub.

Sections in this article: 


  • Limitations: Searching the hub from a spoke has the following limitations:
    • Only content can be searched.
    • In addition to toggling the Search Logic, only the Content Type, Last Updated, and Archived Content filters can be applied.

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators

Turn a spoke's ability to search the hub on or off

  1. While signed into a digital workplace that is part of the Networked Enterprise, on the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Resources, select EAP.
  3. On the Workplaces page, search for and select the digital workplace you want to edit.
  4. On the Overview tab, select Enable search hub.
  5. Select Save.