Enabling or disabling the GIPHY tool

Control whether or not the GIPHY tool is available to users in the WYSIWYG editor. The GIPHY tool provides users with a convenient way to insert PG-rated GIFs into their content by leveraging GIPHY, an online repository dedicated to hosting GIFs. For more information about the PG rating, see Content Rating

Turning this option off does not remove existing GIFs added with the tool or prevent users from adding GIFs in another way.

GIPHY tool in the WYSIWYG editor.

Sections in this article: 

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators

Turn the GIPHY tool on or off

  1. On the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Settings, select Global Settings.
  3. Next to Giphy integration, select Enable GIPHY Integration within all content and comment editors to enable the GIPHY tool; de-select to turn the GIPHY tool off.