Export a CSV file containing your digital workplace's site map. This file shows the hierarchy and the view count of all Channels, Pages, and Spaces in your workplace. Use this information to govern your digital workplace's structure and make informed decisions about fundamental changes to the current implementation.
Sections in this article:
Considerations and caveats
Who can export the Site Map
- Workplace administrators
- Enterprise administrators
When exporting the Site Map, all translatable fields and headers use the preferred language of the user.
How to export the Site Map
- On the Userbar, select the Control Panel cog, and then under Presentation select Site Manager.
- In the information panel, there is a section called Site Map Structure Export, select Export found there to begin downloading the Site Map.
Columns in the export
- Site Order: The rank order of the location relative to every other location in the digital workplace. If every location in the Site Manager were expanded, the very first location at the top would have a value of 2, with each subsequent position being incremented by 1.
- Item Name: The title of the location.
- URL: relative URL of the location.
- Content Type: What the location is (e.g., Page, Space, Blog channel, etc.).
- Depth: How deep the location is nested. Top-level locations have a value of 1.
- Sort Orders: The rank order of the location relative to its depth. The very first location at the top of the current depth level has a value of 1.
- Total Views: The number of times the location has been viewed since it's creation.
- Child Count: The number of locations one level below this location. For channels, this would be the count of content on the channel (ex. Blog articles, Calendar events, etc.). Since this number counts only immediate children, a Folder channel's count does not include the contents of sub-folders.
- Total Views: Last Week: The total number of views for the content itself over the past week.
- Total Views: Last 3 Months: The total number of views for the content itself over the past 3 months.
- Total Views: Last Year: The total number of views for the content itself over the past 365 days.