
Contains a record of all user activity on wiki channel articles in a digital workplace.




Name Data Type Connects to:
wiki_key Edm.Int64
user_key Edm.Int32 
space_key Edm.Int64 
utc_half_hour_key Edm.Int32
wiki_container_key Edm.Int64
Key Attributes
Name Data Type Description
wiki_content_views Edm.Int32 Total amount of views on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_creates Edm.Int32 A value of 1 indicates the creation of a wiki article.
wiki_content_edits Edm.Int32 Total amount of edits on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_renames Edm.Int32 Total amount of renames on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_deletes Edm.Int32 Total amount of deletes on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_moves Edm.Int32 Total amount of moves of a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_rates Edm.Int32

Total amount of ratings made on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.

As of April 13, 2023, users can no longer rate wiki articles. As a result, this field will only contain rating data that occurred before this change.

wiki_content_likes_added Edm.Int32 Total amount of likes made on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_comments_added Edm.Int32 Total amount of comments made on a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_content_comments_deleted Edm.Int32 Total amount of comments deleted from a wiki article by a user within a half-hour period.
wiki_comment_likes_added Edm.Int32 Total amount of likes made on wiki article comments by a user within a half-hour period.
community_key Edm.Int32 A unique identifier for a digital workplace.
Table Attributes