Actions in File Manager take place on either the workplace selection screen or the file management screen.
Sections in this article:
Workplace selection screen
1. Menu bar
The Menu bar contains the following options:
- File Manager:
- Exit: Select to immediately close File Manager.
- Help:
- Open Knowledge Base: Select to open a web browser window that navigates to the Igloo Knowledge Base.
- Report an Issue: Select to navigate to the Customer Care Submit an Issue page.
- Feedback: Select to navigate to the Customer Care Product Zone page where you can submit feature suggestions.
- Display Error Logs: Select to navigate to the computer folder containing File Manager error logs.
- About File Manager: View what version of File Manager you are using.
- Check For Updates: Update File Manager to the latest version.
2. Connected digital workplace
Digital workplaces you have already connected to will appear as tiles on the digital workplace selection screen. Double-click the digital workplace to connect to it; you will be prompted for authentication if an existing session has ended. You can also select the cog icon that appears when you hover or select a workplace to have the option to Open this workplace or Remove this workplace. Selecting the latter option will remove the workplace from the workplace selection screen, but you can add it back using Add a workplace.
3. Add a workplace
Select Add a workplace to add your digital workplace to File Manager. You will be prompted to enter the digital workplace's URL.
File management screen
1. Menu bar
The Menu bar contains the following options:
- File Manager:
- Exit: Select to immediately close File Manager.
- Help:
- Open Knowledge Base: Select to open a web browser window that navigates to the Igloo Knowledge Base.
- Report an Issue: Select to navigate to the Customer Care Submit an Issue page.
- Feedback: Select to navigate to the Customer Care Product Zone page where you can submit feature suggestions.
- Display Error Logs: Select to navigate to the computer folder containing File Manager error logs.
- About File Manager: View the version of File Manager.
2. Navigation bar
The Navigation bar provides options to quickly return to pages that you've previously navigated to, and the ability to switch what digital workplace you are browsing. Options include:
- Forward and Backward buttons: Select to move backward or forwards through your browsing history.
- Breadcrumbs: Select any location in the path to navigate directly to it. These breadcrumbs expand to reflect your current location in the workplace.
- Refresh button: Select to update what is being displayed. If others are working in the same area as you, you will need to refresh to see the outcomes of their actions.
- Settings button: Select to view the settings menu where you can switch what workplace you are browsing or log out of the current digital workplace. The settings menu also displays the current version number of your File Manager.
3. Action bar
The Action bar provides different methods of interacting with objects in the file and folder listing. These actions include:
- Icon view / List view: Toggle whether objects in the file and folder listing display as icons or a list. The list view provides additional details such as Extension, Size, Date updated, and Version.
- Create new folder: Add an empty folder at your current location. This action is only available when you are in a Folder or Folder channel.
- Save to: Saves the selected file or folder to your computer. You will be prompted to select where to save this file. Saving a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
Menu - When a file is selected: Select the Menu button while a file is selected provides the following options:
- Open: Opens the file using the appropriate application on your computer.
- Open in Browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the file location in your workplace.
- Download: Downloads the file to your computer's download folder. It is also accessible from the Status Pane under downloads.
- Save to: Saves the file to your computer. You will be prompted to select where to save this file. Saving a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Add a new version: Upload a new version of the currently selected file. You are prompted to select what file on your computer to upload as the new version.
- Rename: Enter a new name for the file.
- Delete: Remove the file from your workplace. The file can be recovered from the Trash Can.
- Properties: View the following details about the file: Name, Type, URL, Size, Version, Date Updated, Views, Downloads, and Rating(deprecated).
Menu - When a folder is selected: Selecting the Menu button while a folder is selected provides the following options:
- Open: Navigates into the folder within File Manager.
- Open in browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the file location in your workplace.
- Download: Downloads the folder to your computer's download folder. It is also accessible from the Status Pane under downloads. Downloading a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Save to: Saves the selected folder to your computer. You are prompted to select where to save this file. Saving a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Rename: Enter a new name for the folder.
- Delete: Remove the folder from your workplace. The folder can be recovered from the Trash Can.
- Properties: View the following details about the file: Name, Type, URL, Size (number of objects), Date Updated, Views, and Downloads.
Menu - When in a Folder or Folder Channel with nothing selected: Selecting the Menu button while in a Folder or Folder Channel with nothing selected provides the following options:
- Upload files: Add a file to the current location. You are prompted to select the file on your computer to upload.
- Upload folders: Add a folder and its contents to the current location. You are prompted to select the file on your computer to upload.
- Create new folder: Add a new folder to the current location. You are prompted to enter a name for the folder.
- Refresh: Select to update what is being displayed. If others are working in the same location as you, you will need to refresh to see the outcomes of their actions.
Menu - When another object is selected: Selecting the Menu button with any other object selected provides the following options:
- Open: Navigate into the folder within File Manager.
- Open in browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the object's location in your workplace.
Menu - When in other locations with nothing selected: Selecting the Menu button when not in a Folder or Folder Channel, and without anything selected, provides the following options:
- Refresh: Select to update what is being displayed. If others are working in the same area as you, you will need to refresh to see the outcomes of their actions.
- Open in browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the object's location in your workplace.
- Upload: Add files or folders to the current location. You will be prompted to select the files or folders on your computer to upload. You can select multiple files or folders by holding shift and selecting the desired objects.
- Search this location: Filters the objects displayed in the immediate location to show only objects with titles that match the query. Parent, nested, and adjacent locations are not part of this search
4. Sitemap/Status Pane
The Sitemap/Status Pane displays either the workplace's navigable sitemap or the status of your recent uploads and downloads.
- View: Select a location to view it in the file and folder listing.
- Expand: Double-click to expand its contents; expandable locations are indicated by a > next to them.
- Navigate: Right-click a location to access the Open in browse" option. Selecting this option will open this location in your web browser.
- Uploads: Select listed objects to navigate to them in File Manager. You can select the Clear button to remove all files from the Uploads list.
- Downloads: Select listed objects to navigate to their download location on your computer. You can select the Clear button to remove all files from the Uploads list.
5. File and folder listing
The file and folder listing displays the files and folders located at your current location. You can interact with these objects in the following ways:
- Upload a file or folder: Drag and drop files or folders from your computer into the file and folder listing to upload them to the current location.
- Move files or folders: Drag and drop files from the file and folder listing into an existing Folder or Folder Channel in File Manager to move them to that location. You can drag the file or folder to locations displayed in the Sitemap, or located in the current location.
- Download and open a file: Double-click a file to download and open it. Your computer will attempt to open it using the appropriate application.
- Navigate into a folder: Double-click a folder to view its contents.
File options: Right-click a file to view additional options:
- Open: Opens the file using the appropriate application on your computer.
- Open in Browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the file location in your workplace.
- Download: Downloads the file to your computer's download folder. It is also accessible from the Status Pane under downloads.
- Edit: Edit the file using your computer's preferred application for that file type.
- Reserve/Unreserve: Toggle whether or not you have reserved a file. Other users cannot edit reserved files.
- Save to: Saves the file to your computer. You will be prompted to select where to save this file. Saving a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Add a new version: Upload a new version of the currently selected file. You are prompted to select what file on your computer to upload as the new version.
- Rename: Enter a new name for the file.
- Delete: Remove the file from your workplace. The file can be recovered from the Trash Can.
- Properties: View the following details about the file: Name, Type, URL, Size, Version, Date Updated, Views, Downloads, and Rating.
Folder options: Right-click a folder to view additional options:
- Open: Navigates into the folder within File Manager.
- Open in browser: Opens your browser and navigates you to the file location in your workplace.
- Download: Downloads the folder to your computer's download folder. It is also accessible from the Status Pane under downloads. Downloading a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Save to: Saves the selected folder to your computer. You are prompted to select where to save this file. Saving a folder will result in a compressed version of the folder being saved.
- Rename: Enter a new name for the folder.
- Delete: Remove the folder from your workplace. The folder can be recovered from the Trash Can.
- Properties: View the following details about the file: Name, Type, URL, Size (number of objects), Date Updated, Views, and Downloads.