Communications from Igloo Software may sometimes mention a tenant name (server) when discussing where an issue may be occurring. Follow the steps below to find out which tenant your workplace is located in.
Sections in this article:
Who can do this?
- Any digital workplace member
Find your digital workplace tenant
- Go to your digital workplace's home page.
- Open your browser's developer tools (F12 for Windows devices or Command+Option+I for Mac devices).
- In the developer tools, select the Network tab.
- Refresh the page that you are on.
- In the Network tab of the developer tools, select the entry with a document type.
- Select the Header tab of the network entry.
- Under the Response Headers section, find the IGLOO_NODE parameter.
Your tenant is the middle part of the IGLOO_NODE parameter. For example, for IGLOO_NODE: P-CAMLT-WEB13, the tenant would be CAMLT.