Hiding or unhiding files, folders, and folder contents

Your digital workplace provides multiple ways to limit whether files or folders are visible to others. These are useful when you want to simplify what appears in a folder or folder channel but still want users to have access to files should they have a link or search for them.

To completely hide a file or folder from a user or group of users, remove their access to it. 

Sections in this article: 

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators
  • Space administrators
  • Members of the digital workplace with Edit or Full access

Hide or unhide a file or folder

Folder contents hidden this way can still be accessed via a direct link or search by users with at least Read access.
  1. Go to the folder or folder channel where the file or folder is.
  2. Next to the file or folder, select  Actions.
  3. Select Hide, or if already hidden, select Show.

Toggle the visibility of folder contents

Folder contents hidden this way can still be accessed via a direct link or search by users with at least Read access.
  1. Go to the folder or folder channel where you want to hide the contents.
  2. Select  Actions followed by Edit.
  3. Under Folder Contents, select one of the following options:
    • Show: Contents are visible to all users who have access to them.
    • Administrative Access Only: Content is only visible to users with Full access or higher.
    • Hide: Contents are not visible to anyone.
  4. Select Save.