The digital workplace allows members with the correct level of permissions, to edit the title of content that has been published in the digital workplace. Members with the correct level of permissions in a blog channel can also rename the content of other posts they feel they need to change.
Features and functionality
The Rename Content feature is essentially used to edit the names of content. For example: if someone is writing an article or blog post and they notice that the title doesn't match the content of the article, they can then change it to something they feel is more appropriate. This feature can also be used by members who have the correct level of access to modify the names of articles as they moderate channels and spaces.
How to rename content
There are two ways to rename content. The first method is to click on the Action Title and the second method is to navigate to the article and select Edit.
- Navigate to the content you would like to rename.
- Select the title and rename it there, or select Edit from the dropdown menu beside the title to edit the title.
Frequently asked questions
Can anyone in the workplace rename content?
No. Not every member of the digital workplace can rename content. Workplace administrators can lock down permissions so that the user who published the piece of content wouldn't be able to rename the content they published. However, the workplace administrator can assign editors with certain levels of access that can edit and modify content within a space or channel.
Best practices
Workplace administrators can create groups and assign them specific tasks within a space or channel. It is best practice to create a group of content administrators in a space or page so they can modify the content accordingly. This practice also helps in keeping track of who has a certain set of permissions and who doesn't.