Managing enterprise administrators

Control which users have access to the Enterprise Administration Panel where they can manage your Networked Enterprise and the digital workplaces within it.

Sections in this article: 

Who can do this

  • An existing enterprise administrator.

About the enterprise administrator role

An enterprise administrator has the rights and privileges of a workplace administrator in each site (hub or spoke) of the networked enterprise. When an existing user is promoted to an enterprise administrator:

  • They become an administrator for any spokes they were already a member of.
  • They become a facilitator for any spokes they were not already a member of. 

Changing the status of an enterprise administrator has the following results:

  • Demoting an enterprise administrator to a regular member removes them from any spokes where they were a facilitator. However, access to workplaces where they are a member persists.
  • Revoking an enterprise administrator from a spoke of which they are a member will convert them to a facilitator of that spoke.
  • Revoking an enterprise administrator from the hub will result in the user being revoked from all spokes of the Networked Enterprise.

Facilitators of a digital workplace have the same rights and privileges as workplace administrators, but they don't appear as members of the digital workplace.

Only existing enterprise administrators can add or demote another enterprise administrator.

How to make a user an enterprise administrator

An enterprise administrator has access to and can perform administrative actions in all workplaces within your networked enterprise. When you make an user an enterprise administrator they will become an administrator of any spoke workplace that they are already a member of and a facilitator of spoke workplaces that they were not a member of.

  1. While signed into a digital workplace that is part of your Networked Enterprise, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Resources, select EAP.
  3. Select Manage Enterprise Administrators from the side panel. 
  4. From the View dropdown, select All Members and then search for the user.
  5. From the drop-down next to a user's name, select Administrator.

How to remove a user's enterprise administrator role

Follow the steps above (How to make a user an enterprise administrator), but instead of selecting Administrator from the drop-down, select Member.