Contains calendar week data on overall user activity. This report covers the last 12 weeks.
Name | Data Type | Description |
community_key | Edm.Int32 | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
sort_order | Edm.Int32 | Ranges from 1-12. Lower values correspond to older dates. |
Total | Edm.Int32 | Total number of all activity by all Users during the reporting period. This activity includes:
Viewed | Edm.Int32 | Total number of views by all users during the reporting period. |
Liked | Edm.Int32 | Total number of likes by all Users during the reporting period. |
Rated | Edm.Int32 |
Total number of rates by all users during the reporting period. The ability to rate content was removed from the platform on September 28, 2023. As a result, this field will only contain rating data that occurred before this change.
Commented | Edm.Int32 | Total number of comments by all users during the reporting period. |
Created | Edm.Int32 | Total number of creates by all users during the reporting period. |
community_guid | Edm.Guid | Unique digital workplace identifier. |
offset | Edm.Int32 | The reporting period that a row falls into. Values include:
begin_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Beginning date of the row's reporting period. |
end_date | Edm.DateTimeOffset | Ending date of the row's reporting period. |