
Contains aggregated 4-week and 12-week data on overall user activity. The values in this table are not weighted. These values are used to weight data found in the Workplace Analytics dashboard.




Name Data Type Description
community_key Edm.Int32 Unique digital workplace identifier.
members_with_activity Edm.Int32 Total number of users with activity during the reporting period.
consumers_pct Edm.Int32 Proportion of users who were consumers during the reporting period.
contributors_pct Edm.Int32 Proportion of users who were contributors during the reporting period.  
creators_pct Edm.Int32 Proportion of users who were creators during the reporting period.
members_added Edm.Int32 Total number of users added during the reporting period.
members_removed Edm.Int32 Total number of users removed during the reporting period.
community_guid Edm.Guid Unique digital workplace identifier.
offset Edm.Int32 The reporting period that a row falls into. Values include:
  • 4: Data falls within 4 weeks from the most recent week.
  • 12: Data falls within 12 weeks from the most recent week.
latest_member_count Edm.Int32 Member count as of the last reporting period.  
Table Attributes