Adding labels to existing content

You can add labels to supported content types at any time as long as you have the appropriate access level.

Sections in this article:


Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators
  • Space administrators
  • Members of the digital workplace with Edit or Full access

Add labels to existing content

  1. Navigate to the content.
  2. Select Actions and then Edit
  3. In the Labels section, select Add Label.
  4. Select the labels that you want to add. You can use the search box to filter labels in the following ways:
    • Search for labels that are similar to your query.
    • Enter a label group name to filter the labels displayed to those in that group.
  5. (Optional) At the bottom of the Edit page, select Don't notify followers of edits to prevent notifications from being sent to members who follow the content you are editing.
  6. Select Save Changes.