
Redirects allow for the continuity of links when content is moved from one location in the digital workplace to another location. This feature occurs automatically for URLs within your workplace that direct to other locations in your workplace. If you would like to set up a specific redirect, consider using URL Shortcuts.

Features and functionality

Redirects are generated when you move content in your workplace. Links previously directed to the content's old location will redirect to the content's new location without changing the link's URL. This redirect functionality will continue to work even if the content is moved again or subsequently again.

When a link is selected in your workplace, your browser will look to navigate to that links URL. If the URL is not found, it will look for any redirects in case the content has been moved. If a redirect is found, you will be directed to the new location for the moved contents. As a result, if new content has been created that matches the URL of the original link, no redirects will be looked for, and you will be directed to the location specified by the link's URL. If you would like to restore any redirects that may have existed, delete the content that is currently blocking the redirect.