
The Sign In Settings page allows administrators to adjust users' sign-in and session experiences. This location also provides access to authentication configuration options for SAML or LDAP Authentication.

Control Panel's Sign in Settings page.

Sections in this article:

Enable Forgot Password

Enable Forgot Password provides an option on the login page, allowing the digital workplace to send an email with a one-time reset password token valid for 15 minutes. However, the old password will still be valid if a user does not complete the reset process.

Enable Remember Me 

If your digital workplace's authentication is managed by LDAP or Igloo Authentication, the Remember Me option can be turned on to place a Remember Me button on your sign in page. If a user toggles this option on, their session will remain active on their computer or device for 30 days.

This functionality will not affect your session if your digital workplace uses SAML to manage your authentication.

If your digital workplace uses LDAP Authentication and this option is not present, please contact our Support Team. If a user is part of multiple digital workplaces and your digital workplace uses LDAP authentication, they cannot use this functionality.

Enable Browser Session Termination

By default, digital workplace sessions stay active even if a browser is closed. Browser Session Termination overrides this behavior and will end a workplace session when the browser is closed.

If a user has an active session in your digital workplace before Browser Session Termination is turned on, they will not be affected until their session ends, either by logging out or timing out. Turning it on before adding members is strongly advised if you plan to use Browser Session Termination.

Configure Session Timeout

Set how long a user's session persists while inactive in the digital workplace. If no actions are taken within the set period, the user's session will end, logging them out of the digital workplace. If a user acts within the digital workplace, their timeout will reset. By default, this will be set to 3 hours. The minimum timeout is one minute, while the maximum is 365 days. 

While you can set your digital workplace's session timeout to 365 days, we recommend you discuss this setting with your organization's security experts to ensure that it aligns with your internal IT and security policies.

Authentication Configuration

If you have SAML or LDAP authentication turned on, the bottom of this page will contain a link to the configuration form for those features.