URL shortcuts

URL shortcuts allow you to redirect users from one URL in your digital workplace to another URL in your digital workplace. You can use these shortcuts to redirect users from old or deprecated content to more relevant content or create an alternate URL that is shorter and easier to remember.

You can manage your digital workplace's shortcuts from the URL Shortcuts page in the Control Panel. You can go directly to this page by navigating to its URL:

https://{your domain}/admin/optimization/urlshortcuts

Sections in this article:


  • External locations: Shortcuts can only involve locations within your digital workplace; you can't use them to:
    • Redirect from an external site to a location in your digital workplace.
    • Redirect from a location in your digital workplace to an external site.
  • Types of locations: Shortcuts should only be used to redirect users to the following types of locations in your digital workplace:
    • Pages
    • Spaces
    • Channels
    • Channel content (blogs, events, files, folders, forum topics, wiki articles)

Who can do this?

Add a shortcut

  1. On the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Optimization, select URL Shortcuts.
  3. Configure the following:
    • Shortcut URL: Enter the URL path that you want to redirect users from.
    • Destination URL: Enter the URL path is the path that you want to redirect users to.
  4. Select Add Shortcut.

Edit a shortcut

  1. On the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Optimization, select URL Shortcuts.
  3. In the URL Shortcuts list, find the shortcut and select Edit beside it. 
  4. Configure the following:
    • (Optional) Shortcut URL: Enter the URL path that you want to redirect users from.
    • (Optional) Destination URL: Enter the URL path is the path that you want to redirect users to.
  5. Select Save.

Remove a shortcut

  1. On the Userbar, select  Control Panel.
  2. Under Optimization, select URL Shortcuts.
  3. In the URL Shortcuts list, find the shortcut and select Remove beside it. 
  4. When prompted, select Ok