Auto-restore content

Content within the WYSIWYG Editor (excluding Tasks, HTML widgets, and Integration widgets) will auto-save every 3 seconds to your browser's local storage. If your browser closes unexpectedly, you will have 60 minutes to restore your content by navigating back to the location where you were working.

Sections in this article:


  • Browser settings: If your browser settings clear cookies or data when the browser closes, auto-restore cannot restore content after your browser closes.
  • Anonymous users: Auto-restore does not work for anonymous users (users who are not signed into the digital workplace).
  • Auto-restore availability: Auto-restore is not available on: 
  • Other member's content: Auto-restore is linked to the member and browser. You cannot restore another member's content or your content using a different browser.

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise administrators
  • Workplace administrators
  • Space administrators
  • Members of the digital workplace with Write, Edit or Full access

Auto-restore content when your browser recovers pages after a crash

Some browsers will attempt to recover all open pages at the time of a crash. In these cases, any pages where you were entering text into a WYSIWYG Editor will prompt you to restore the content once they reload. Select Restore to recover your content and pick up where you left off.

Auto-restore content by navigating to it

If your browser does not recover any pages after a crash, you can navigate to where you worked before the crash. Once you arrive at that location, a popup will ask whether you would like to recover your WYSIWYG Editor content. To locate what you have been working on:

  • If you were commenting on content or using the Microblog Posts widget, you must navigate to where you were writing that comment or microblog post. 
  • If you were creating new content on a channel (blog, calendar, forum, microblog, wiki), you could navigate back to the content creation page. You can do this by going to the same channel and selecting + Add as if you were creating new content.