Use the Workday Inbox Actions integration to display users' Workday task lists in your digital workplace. Users can then select a task to go to it in their Workday inbox.
This integration requires that users log into it with their Workday credentials.
Sections in this article:
- Set up requirements
- Setting up the integration
- Adding an API client to Workday
- Additional integration settings
- Results of setting up a Workday Inbox Actions integration
Set up requirements
The following people are needed to set up this integration:
- A Workday administrator or implementer with access to the following tasks that are secured by the Security Administration domain security policy in the System functional area:
- Edit Tenant Setup - Security
- Register API Client
- Register API Client for Integrations
- Edit API Client
- Edit API Client for Integrations
- Maintain API Client Access
- View API Clients
- An Igloo user with the ability to add and configure the integration, such as:
- Workplace or enterprise administrators
- Space administrators (restricted to their space)
- Users (restricted to their personal dashboards and pages and spaces to which they have Edit or Full access)
Setting up the integration
- Verify with your Workday administrator that an API client exists for this integration in Workday. If no API client exists, see Adding an API client to Workday before proceeding.
- Ask your Workday or Workplace administrator to provide you with the following values (The first three values may have been recorded as part of the task, Adding an API client to Workday. Otherwise, it can be found in Workday using the View API Clients task):
- Workday REST API Endpoint
- Token Endpoint
- Authorization Endpoint
- Igloo APP ID (obtained from Igloo when initially adding the API client to Workday).
- Place an
Integrations widget on a page, space, or dashboard. For more information, see Placing and setting up a widget.
- Select the placed widget's Edit button.
- Under Integration Library, select Igloo Integration Library.
- Select
Workday Inbox Actions from the library.
- On the Options tab, complete these required fields:
Setting Value Workday Authorization URL Enter only the base URL of the Authorization Endpoint that you got in step 2.
For example, only the bolded portion of the URL would be entered into this field:
Workday Token URL Enter the Token Endpoint that you got in step 2.
For example:
Workday API Server URL Enter the Workday REST API Endpoint that you got in step 2.
For example:
Workday Inbox URL Enter the Workday Inbox URL.
You can find this value by selecting the Inbox icon in Workday and copying the URL of the page it links to.
For example:
SSO Check this option if you want to enable SSO redirection. Igloo App ID Enter the value that you got in step 2. Workday Inbox Actions integration required fields - (Optional) Customize the integration. Details about additional settings are in the Additional integration settings section below.
- In the widget editor, select Update to apply your changes.
- At the bottom of your page, space, or dashboard, select Publish or Save as Draft to save your changes.
Adding an API client to Workday
This integration requires you to create an API client in your Workday tenant before it can function. Once created, you can use this API client to support multiple deployments of the integration across your digital workplace or networked enterprise (multiple Allowed Origins must be specified for each workplace). If you're unsure if an API client has already been created, contact your organization's Workday administrator.
In addition to the following setup instructions, please refer to Workday's Administrator Guide for additional details about configuring API clients.
- Submit a ticket to Igloo Support requesting a Callback URL for the Workday Inbox Actions integration. Include the following details in the support ticket:
- State that you are setting up the Workday Inbox Actions integration for the first time in your digital workplace or networked enterprise and require a Callback URL.
- The URL of your digital workplace.
- Once you receive the Callback URL from Igloo Support, use the Workday Register API Client task to add a new API client. Leave this support ticket open; you will reply to it in step 7.
- On the Register API Client page, fill out the fields as follows:
Setting Value Client Name Enter a descriptive name for the API client. Client Grant Type Select Authorization Code Grant.
Support Proof for Code Exchange(PKCE) Leave unchecked. Enforce 60 Minutes Access Token Expiry Leave unchecked. Access Token Type Select Bearer.
Redirection URI Enter the Callback URL obtained from Igloo Support.
Allow Integration Messages Not applicable. Refresh Token Timeout (in days) Enter your desired value. If you don't want the token to expire, check Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens.
Grant Administrative Consent
Check this option. Disabled Leave unchecked. Scope (Functional Areas) Add the following:
- Jobs & Positions
- Organizations and Roles
- Staffing
- System
- Tenant Non-Configurable
Include Workday-Owned Scope Leave unchecked. Locked Out due to Excessive Failed Sign on Attempts Not applicable. Restricted to IP Ranges Leave empty. Allowed Origin & Domain Description Enter the URL of your digital workplace and a description of it. If you want to use the integration in multiple digital workplaces (e.g., a Networked Enterprise), you must add the URL of each digital workplace to this table. Workday API Client settings - Select OK to complete the process of registering an API client.
- Once registered, Workday will display this API client's unique information. Copy the following values to a safe location as you will need them when setting up the integration and in step 7:
- Client ID
- Client Secret (The client secret cannot be accessed later, and a new client secret must be generated when a user wants to view this information again.)
- Workday REST API Endpoint
- Token Endpoint
- Authorization Endpoint
- Once you have copied these values, select Done.
- Respond to the existing support ticket with the values obtained in step 5.
- Wait for Igloo Support to provide you with an Igloo App ID that is needed to set up the integration widget.
Once completed, the integration can be set up in your digital workplace. See, Setting up the integration.
Additional integration settings
Options tab
Setting | Descriptions |
Title |
Enter a title for the widget. The title appears as a heading above the widget's contents. You should use the title to provide context to the widget and better structure a page's content by clearly denoting different sections. When entering a title, you do so only for your currently selected language. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should select This field can contain a maximum of 140 characters. |
Title link |
Enter the URL of a location in your digital workplace. Users who click the widget's title, if it has one, will go to this location. Whether you enter the link as a relative URL or an absolute URL does not matter, it will convert to an absolute URL the next time you edit the widget. If you want this link to be a link to your Workday tenant, it will typically take the following form (replace TenantAlias with your tenant name): This field can contain a maximum of 2,083 characters. |
Description |
Enter a description. The description appears between the title and the widget's contents. You can use this text to provide information to users about the widget. When entering a description, you do so only for your currently selected language. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should select |
Appearance tab
Setting | Description |
Class |
Enter CSS class selectors to provide additional styling to the widget. For more information, see Applying custom CSS to widgets. |
Height |
Select the height of the widget. The default value is Auto (leftmost slider position) scales the widget's height to fit its contents. You can use the slider to set a fixed height between 50px to 600px in increments of 50px. Selecting a height less than what is needed to display its contents results in the widget having a vertical scrollbar. |
Your digital workplace's theme overwrites many of the settings on the Appearance tab. However, the settings listed above are usable.
Results of setting up a Workday Inbox Actions integration
Once set up, the widget will display a prompt to "Sign in with Workday". Users must authenticate using their Workday credentials. After authenticating, a list of their tasks will be displayed.