Workplace administrators

Workplace administrators are users who are part of the Administrators System group. Members of this group have access to their digital workplace's Control Panel, where they can manage all aspects of their digital workplace. 

Workplace administrators have Full access to all locations within a digital workplace, including spaces and their Space Administration Panel.

Before adding a workplace administrator, consider whether a role would suffice. Roles ensure that digital workplace members only have the tools they need and nothing more.

Sections in this article:

Who can do this?

  • Enterprise Administrators
  • Existing members of the Administrators System group (ie, workplace administrators)

Add workplace administrators

  1. On the Userbar, select Control Panel.
  2. Under Membership, select Manage Groups.
  3. Select the System Groups tab.
  4. Select Administrators.
  5. Enter the user's name in the search box.
  6. Select the user from the drop-down results.
  7. Select Update.

Remove workplace administrators

A member of the Administrators System Group cannot remove themselves from the group.

  1. On the Userbar, select Control Panel.
  2. Under Membership, select Manage Groups.
  3. Select the System Groups tab.
  4. Select Administrators.
  5. Underneath the user's name, select Remove.
  6. Select Update.