Zapier integration

Zapier provides workflows for certain Igloo content types. These workflows allow you to propagate content to other digital workplaces and other apps supported by Zapier (Zapier).

Sections in this article:


To integrate Zapier workflows into your Igloo, the following is required from the end-user:

  • Subscription to Zapier (paid service)
  • Contact Developer Relations to be placed in the beta program and receive an Igloo API key & password 

Available Igloo workflows

The following Igloo actions are available with Zapier at this time:

  • Blogs
    • Create a blog article
    • Update a blog article
  • Microblogs
    • Create a microblog post
    • Update a microblog post
  • Search
    • Search for a blog article
    • Search for a wiki article
    • Search for a microblog post
    • Search for a user by name
    • Search for a user by email
  • Tasks
    • Create a task
  • Users
    • Update a user
    • Create a user
  • Wikis
    • Create a wiki article
    • Update a wiki article

Creating a Zap

Refer to Zapier's instructions for the basics regarding the creation of Zaps.

When creating a Zap that uses an Igloo workflow,  you will be prompted to create/select a connected account for your digital workplace. This connection requires the following information:

  • Username: Enter your Igloo Authentication username.
  • Password: Enter your Igloo Authentication password.
  • Application ID: Enter the Igloo API Key that the Developer Relations team provided you with.
  • Application Password: Enter the Igloo API Key Password that the Developer Relations team provided you with.
  • Igloo Community URL: Enter your digital workplace's URL. For example:

For an example of a zap that publishes content between digital workplaces, see Using Zapier to publish content between digital workplaces.