Many objects in your digital workplace have an Activity page that records what actions occurred to the object and who performed that action. To narrow down the amount of activity shown, you can filter these actions by their type and when they occurred.
Administrators and users with sufficient access can navigate to this page by selecting /
Actions followed by Activity.
Sections in this article:
Considerations and caveats
Who can access it
- Workplace administrators
- Enterprise administrators
- Space administrators (if the object is within their space)
- Members with at least Edit access to the object
What has an activity page
- Pages (including the Home page of a Space)
- Member Directory
- Pulse page
- Blog channels and Blog articles
- Calendar channels and Calendar events
- Folder channels, folders, and files
- Forum channels and forum topics
- Microblog channels
- Wiki channels and wiki articles
Recorded actions
A user has created new content on the channel or folder; or, a new file version was created. For content that has been ghostwritten, only the author that published the content is displayed.
A user has archived the object. If the object was archived as part of an archiving policy, the user will be recorded as Admin User. This is recorded on the object's Activity page.
A user has commented on the object or replied to a comment on the object. This is recorded on the object's Activity page.
A user has created a copy of the file or folder. This action is recorded on the Activity page of both the original and new object and indicates the original and destination locations.
A user has created the object. This is the first action that is recorded on an object's Activity page.
A user has deleted the object; or, a user has deleted a comment on the object. This action is recorded on the deleted object's Activity page as well as the Activity page of the object's parent.
A user has downloaded the file directly or played a video file.
A user has selected Save on the Edit page of the object. Changes may or not have been made.
Folder Downloaded
A user has downloaded the file indirectly by downloading all contents of the parent folder.
Moderation Updated
A user has selected Save on the Settings page of the object. Changes may or not have been made.
A user has moved an object between the indicated locations. This is recorded on the Activity page of the object as well as the Activity page of the parent that the object was moved from. The destination location records this action as MovedTo and does not list the original location.
A user has changed, deleted, or created an access rule on the object. This is recorded on the object's Activity Page.
A user has viewed an instant email notification, full content broadcast email notification, or @mention email notification associated with the object. This is recorded on the related object's Activity page.
Read Tracking
A user has enabled/disabled, reset, or added/removed a mandatory group for Read Tracking on the object. This is recorded on the related object's Activity page.
A user changed the title of the object. This is recorded on the related object's Activity page and may also occur at the same time as an Edit entry if the title change was made from the Edit page.
A user recovered the object from the Trash Can. This is recorded on the object's Activity page.
A user has created a new file version that is a copy of a past version. This is recorded on the object's Activity page.
A user has unarchived the object. This is recorded on the object's Activity page.
A user has viewed the object. This is recorded on the object's Activity Page.
This value may be lower than what is reported by Google Analytics. Google Analytics will count views if the URL is loaded, whether or not the member is logged in or has access to the page.
Prior to March 15th, 2017, views were recorded regardless of whether a user was able to access the content. The appearance of a Guest viewing something on your site before March 15th does not indicate that they were able to view that content, only that they tried to access that page. The most common source of these views is people following links from emails without being logged in.
Filtering the Activity page
The Activity page shows actions that happened during the selected time period, although it only loads the 50 most recent actions initially. To load an additional 50 actions, select Load More. You may need to select Load More additional times if there has been a lot of activity on the object.
When selecting a time period, you can choose:
- Month (last 60 days of activity)
- 3 Months (last 90 days of activity)
- 6 Months (last 120 days of activity)
Custom range: select starting and end dates with the following conditions:
- The time between the selected dates must be less than a year
- You cannot select dates prior to the creation of the object
- The default range will be from one year ago today (or the objects creation date if it has not been around for a year) to today
In addition to selecting a time period, you can show a specific activity type by selecting the drop down list under List the following activity types. Only actions performed in the selected time period appear in this list. The number next to each action type is how many times that action was performed in the selected time period.