
Access is a feature that grants digital workplace members the ability to perform specific actions on various items within a workplace, such as a page, space, channel, or content piece within a channel. These assigned actions include the ability to read, write, and/or edit an item.

Access is assigned by applying one of four access levels to a member or group of members. The four available access levels are: Read, Write, Edit, and Full. Members with no assigned access will receive a message explaining that they have not been granted access. The only people allowed to assign members access are designated workplace administrators, Space administrators, and users with Full access to an item.

The Access page.

Actions associated with each access level:

  • Read: View and reply to content
  • Write: View, reply to, add content, and add versions
  • Edit: View, reply to, add, contribute, modify, and organize content
  • Full: View, reply, add, contribute, modify, organize, manage, and control content

Features and functionality

There are several features to help control access and many things to consider when deciding what rules to create. Select each item below to read more:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to set up access rules for everything individually?

No. When creating rules, there are features that allow you to set up access across large areas of your workplace in a single step. See Cascading and Inheritance for more detail.

Who can create and change access rules?

Anyone with Full access can update and create new rules in that area. To learn more about the various access levels, see the article Access Levels.