Solving ILST errors

Running the ILST creates a log file in the same location as the ILST executable. This log file contains a record of what actions the ILST performed and includes error messages when an issue is encountered. Match these error messages with those below to identify the needed troubleshooting steps.

Sections in this article:

The ILST is unable to connect to the LDAP-supported data source

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: The LDAP server is unavailable.

To solve this issue, verify the following: 

  • The <Connection> element's <Host> is correct.
  • You can connect to and query your LDAP-supported data source from the location of the ILST using an LDAP browser. If you cannot, there is likely a firewall or security setting preventing connections.

The <Connection> has not been configured correctly

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: The object does not exist.

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that the <Connection> element's <BaseDN> exists.
  • Verify that the <Connection> element's <BaseDN> does not contain any encoded characters.
  • Verify that the <Connection> element's <Username> is not a full distinguished name of a form like: cn=username,ou=users,dc=community,dc=com.
  • Verify that the  <Connection> element's <Username> and <BaseDN> match a user in the LDAP-supported data source and that the user has permission to query other users. 

The ILST cannot authenticate with the provided user

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: The supplied credential is invalid

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that the <Connection> element's <Username> and <PasswordEncrypted> are valid LDAP-supported data source credentials . 
  • Verify that the <CommunityApi> element's <Username> and <PasswordEncrypted> are valid Igloo administrator credentials.
  • Verify that the  <CommunityApi> element's <Domain> corresponds to the correct digital workplace.

A provided password has incorrect formatting

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that passwords do not contain any XML special characters (<, >, &, ', "). 
  • Re-enter passwords as plain text in both the <Connection> and <CommunityAPI> elements and then encrypt them once.

A <ConnectionId> tag may be missing or misspelled

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that all <UserAccount> and <Group> elements have a valid  <ConnectionId> value. This value should match the Id of the associated <Connection>. The default for this value is <ConnectionId>1</ConnectionId>.

The page size of queries to the LDAP-supported data source is too large

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error during Sync occurred: The size limit was exceeded

To solve this issue:

  • Lower the <Connection> element's <PageSize> value. The default value is 1000; try lowering this to 500.

A digital workplace group GUID is invalid

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Unhandled Exception: Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 418). ---> System.FormatException: Unrecognized Guid format.

To solve this issue:

A required value is missing in the config file

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (1, 36). ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that all elements in the config file have values.
  • Verify that all elements have both a beginning and end tag. For example:  <BaseDN></BaseDN>.

The ILST config file has an XML formatting error

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Unhandled Exception: System.Xml.XmlException

To solve this issue:

  • Validate the XML of the config file using an XML checker or by comparing it to a clean config file. Common XML issues include:
    • A missing or extra XML <tag>
    • A missing or extra < or > symbol
    • A tag that has been <!--commented--> out

Duplicate elements

Identify this error by the following logging message:

Error: [An item with the same key has already been added.]

To solve this issue:

  • Verify that an element does not duplicate another element. Remove the duplicate value.