Running the ILST in test mode

Running the ILST in test mode causes it to make and record all of the necessary calls to complete a sync without making changes to your digital workplace. Test mode allows you to understand better what the ILST will do before allowing it to modify your digital workplace's membership. 

You should always run the ILST in test mode when:

  • Configuring your ILST
  • Updating your ILST
  • Making a significant change to your ILST
  • Troubleshooting an issue

Run the ILST in test mode

  1. Open the config.xml file found in your primary ILST folder.
  2. Within <ApplicationSettings>, set <TestMode> a value of true. For example:
  3. Save your config.xml file.
  4. Run the ILST by double-clicking ILST.exe.
  5. Once the ILST finishes running, open the ILST.log file and verify that it finished without issues.

To take the ILST out of test mode, edit the config.xml file and give <TestMode> a value of false