ILST release notes

For instructions on how to update your ILST, see Updating the ILST.

Update history

  • 2021-01: Version
    • Resolved an issue with updating emails (IGLOO-17783). This issue would result in users being revoked from the digital workplace if their email was updated in the AD.
  • 2019-06: Version
    • Updated API endpoint information (IGLOO-13983). This issue would result in platform performance issues and could lead to search indexing issues for members.
  • 2019-01: Version 
    • Resolved an issue with Group syncing (IGLOO-12377). This issue would result in users not being synced to groups within the digital workplace.
  • 2018-12: Version /
    • Additional logging around customIdentifier changes (IGLOO-12305). This update improves error logging for customIdentifier changes so that these issues can be better diagnosed when they occur.
  • 2018-09: Version
    • Added compatibility for TLS 1.0 deprecation (IGLOO-11386). The ILST now only supports connections using TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2; previously, it would default to TLS 1.0. For more information, see Igloo to deprecate support for TLS 1.0.
  • 2018-09: Version
    • Adjustments were added for platform security compatibility.
  • 2018-05: Version
    • Resolved an issue with email case sensitivity
  • 2018-01: Version
    • Improved error logging
  • 2017-12: Version
    • Resolved an issue with the forced -pictures sync of profile photos
  • 2017-11: Version
    • Resolved an issue in key-matching when associating multiple <UserAccount> areas to a single <ConnectionId>
  • 2017-07: Version
    • Added the ability to clear <Attribute> fields if the field is empty in the AD by adding <ClearIfEmpty>true</ClearIfEmpty> to the <Attribute> tag.
    • Updated logging to count users who were added or removed from Groups.
  • 2017-06: Version
    • Added the ability to ignore updates to the <FirstNameAttribute> by adding <Ignore>true</Ignore> to the <FirstNameAttribute> tag.
  • 2016-12: Version
    • Resolved an issue with the ILST returning an error when the <BaseDN> tag of the <UserAccount> section is empty and a manager is not returned in the query.
    • Added support for GSSAPI by adding <SASL>GSSAPI</SASL> to the <Connection> area of the config.