Search By Label integration

Use the Search By Label integration to allow users to search and filter for digital workplace content based on labels. The widget allows users to refine their search results by specifying search terms, selecting multiple labels, and applying various matching options.

Example of the widget on a page.

Contact your Customer Success Manager or email the Customer Success Team to activate the Search By Label integration.

Sections in this article:

Considerations and caveats

  • Language support: Titles of fields and tooltips do not auto-translate to a user's selected language; they are static and display only as configured. However, label names are responsive to a user's selected language if a translation is configured for them.

Set up

  1. Place an  Integrations widget on a page, space, or dashboard. For more information, see Placing and setting up a widget.
  2. Select the placed widget's Edit button.
  3. Under Integration Library, select Igloo Integration Library.
  4. Select  Igloo Software Search By Label Widget from the library.
  5. Review and make changes to the settings on the Options and Appearance tabs. You can find details about the widget's settings in the Settings section below.
  6. In the widget editor, select Update to apply your changes.
  7. At the bottom of your page, space, or dashboard, select Publish or Save as Draft to save your changes.


Setting Descriptions
Label groups

Label groups allow you to categorize and limit the labels displayed in the widget. By specifying label groups, you can control which labels are available for users to filter search results.

Enter a comma-delimited list of label group names you want to include in the widget. Leave the field blank if you want to include all label groups.

Open links in a new tab

This setting determines whether search results should open in a new browser tab when users click on them.

Enable this option if you want search results to open in a new tab.

Match all labels by default

This setting defines the default behavior of the Match all labels toggle. When enabled, all selected labels must be present in the search results by default.

Enable this option if you want Match all labels to be the default behavior.

Match all search terms by default

This setting sets the default behavior of the Match all search terms toggle. When enabled, all search terms must be present in the search results by default.

Enable this option if you want Match all search terms to be the default behavior.

Search from this location:

This setting allows you to limit search results to a specific location within your digital workplace. By specifying a path, you can narrow search results to a specific location in your digital workplace.

Enter the path to the desired location or leave it blank for the entire site. (e.g., '/' for the whole site)

Results per page

This setting determines how many search results are displayed on each page of the search results.

Enter the desired number of search results to display per page (e.g., '10' for 10 results per page).

Search & Label Configuration
Setting Description
Labels loading message

This option lets you specify a custom message to display to users while the widget loads labels. You can use HTML to format the message as needed.

Enter your custom loading message, which can include HTML.

For example:

<i>Loading labels... please wait</i>
Labels loaded message

This option allows you to set a custom message to display once the labels have finished loading.

Enter your custom message.

For example:

Labels loaded
Search field: Title

This setting lets you customize the title or label for the search field.

Enter your custom title for the search field.

For example:

Search field: Tooltip

This option lets you set a custom tooltip that guides users when they hover over the search field.

Enter your custom tooltip message.

For example:

Enter your search terms here
Labels field: Title

This setting allows you to customize the title or label for the labels field.

Enter your custom title for the labels field.

For example:

Labels field: Tooltip

This option lets you set a custom tooltip for the labels field, offering additional guidance to users.

Enter your custom tooltip message.

For example:

Select labels to search
Match all search terms: Title

This setting lets you customize the title or label for the Match all search terms toggle.

Enter your custom title for the Match all search terms toggle.

For example:

Match all search terms
Match all search terms: Tooltip

This option allows you to set a custom tooltip for the Match all search terms toggle to provide users with information about its functionality.

Enter your custom tooltip message.

For example:

Search for content that includes all search terms (AND search)
Match all labels: Title

This setting lets you customize the title or label for the Match all labels toggle.

Enter your custom title for the Match all labels toggle.

For example:

Match all labels
Match all labels: Tooltip

This option allows you to set a custom tooltip for the Match all labels toggle, providing users with information about its functionality.

Enter your custom tooltip message.

For example:

Search for content with all labels (AND search)
Search button text

This setting allows you to customize the label displayed on the search button.

Enter your custom label for the search button.

For example:

No more results text

This option lets you set a custom message to be displayed when there are no more search results available.

Enter your custom message.

For example:

No more results
Load site theme

Enabling this option allows the widget to use the fonts and styling from your site's theme, providing a seamless integration with your website's design.

Enable this option if you want the widget to use your site's theme.

Progress bar color

This option allows you to specify the HTML color code for the progress bar, which is displayed while the widget loads.

Enter the HTML or hex color code for the progress bar.

For example:

Search button color

This setting enables you to set the HTML color code for the search button.

Enter the HTML or hex color code for the search button.

For example:

Toggle color (On)

This option lets you set the HTML color code for the toggles when they are in the 'on' position.

Enter the HTML or hex color code for the on position of the toggles.

For example:

Toggle color (Off)

This setting allows you to specify the HTML color code for the toggles when they are in the 'off' position.

Enter the HTML or hex color code for the off position of the toggles.

For example:

Labels and Styling (Advanced)

Appearance tab

Appearance options
Setting Description

Enter CSS class selectors to provide additional styling to the widget. For more information, see Applying custom CSS to widgets.


Your digital workplace's theme overwrites many of the settings on the Appearance tab. However, the settings listed above are usable.