Edit a content's archiving policy to archive content differently from the workplace and channel archiving policies.
Content, including content that existed before the policy was created, that meets the conditions of an archiving policy is placed in an archiving queue for the length of time specified by the digital workplace's grace period. Once the grace period is over, the content will be archived. Processing of archiving policies occurs overnight, so the effect of policies will not be seen until the next day.
No notifications are sent when content is archived by policies.
Sections in this article:
- Edit a content's archiving policy
- Bulk reset the content archiving policies of content on a channel
- Bypass a content's archiving policy
Edit a content's archiving policy
Only users with at least Edit access to content can follow these steps to edit its archiving policy.
- Go to the content you want to edit.
- Select Actions, followed by Edit.
- Scroll down the page to the Advanced Options area and select the bar to expand it.
- In the Archiving section, select a retention policy for the channel. Options include:
- Use default policy: Content will use the channel archiving policy.
- Archive this item on the following date: Content will be queued for archiving on the selected date.
- Do not archive: Content will ignore any archiving policies.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
Bulk reset the content archiving policies of content on a channel
Only users with at least Edit access to both a channel and its content can follow these steps to bulk reset the content archiving policies of content on a channel.
Users who have Edit access to a channel can see a list of content with specific archiving policies, but if they do not also have Edit access to that content they are unable to revoke those policies.
- Go to the channel that has the content that you want to edit.
- Select Actions, followed by Settings.
- Scroll down the page to the Archiving section.
- Select # object, where # is a count of content with unique archiving policies. If this link is not present in the archiving section, no content on the channel has a content-specific archiving policy.
- In the Archiving Exceptions window, select the content that you want to reset the archiving policies for.
- Select Reset.
Bypass a content's archiving policy
By default, content inherits the channel's archiving policy which may be inherited from the workplace archiving policy. However, workplace or channel archiving policies can be bypassed with the following: