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Use the Video Galleria gadget to allow users to interact with multiple MP4 videos at once from one or more folder channels in a configurable carousel of video thumbnails. Videos in the gadget support custom poster images, subtitles, and chapters.
Sections in this article:
Considerations and caveats
- Firefox compatibility: The picture-in-picture feature does not work in Firefox. It works in all other browsers.
- Mobile compatibility: Tapping thumbnails doesn't open the video file on mobile view. Instead, drag the screen to swap between thumbnails.
- Video resolution: The gadget's video player displays videos in their own resolution. A 1080p video will be displayed in 1080p, while a 720p video will be displayed in 720p.
- Autoplay: If autoplay is running, you can interact with other buttons in the gadget or select other MP4 thumbnails. However, selecting the currently active MP4 thumbnail will pause the autoplay functionality. The Autoplay feature is only available in the small column view or if the video player is hidden.
- Video size and layout: The gadget supports landscape and portrait video files. For the best visual appearance, if videos are oriented in landscape, we recommend setting the toolbar to display either Top or Bottom and the carousel Horizontally (Top or Bottom). If videos are portrait-oriented, we recommend displaying the toolbar at the Top and the carousel Vertically (Left or Right). If there is a mix of video orientations, they typically appear better if prioritizing the landscape view.
Color scheme and styling priority: There are multiple ways to affect the gadget's color scheme and overall style. In order of their priority in being applied:
- Custom CSS style sheet
- Custom colors
- Light/Dark mode
- Site styling
- Default color scheme
Error images: A video poster frame may have an error if the digital workplace is still processing the custom PNG file or the MP4 video. There is a configuration option to provide an absolute link to an image to be used in the event of an error loading a video poster frame. The error image must be a PNG file type and end with
. The error image must reside in the same digital workplace as the gadget or be hosted in a service such as Azure.
Language support
- The platform does not support language for files. File names and descriptions will appear as they are uploaded to the digital workplace.
- Error messages will appear in English.
- Video Player tooltips support all platform languages except for the following (tooltips will default to English for unsupported languages):
- Haitian Creole
- Lithuanian
- Spanish: Latin America
- Toolbar and carousel tooltips and button texts support all platform languages except for the term Autoplay.
- If VTT chapters files are provided in the user's selected language, that file will be used. Otherwise, English VTT chapter files are used.
- There is no limit to the number of subtitle files per video.
Set up
Follow these steps to set up this gadget:
- Place an
Integrations widget on a page, space, or dashboard. For more information, see Placing and setting up a widget. Here are some tips to consider when placing this gadget:
- The gadget can be placed in any column if the video player is hidden.
- If the video player is displayed, set the carousel position to Horizontal (Top or Bottom) and place the gadget in a large column to make it as large as possible.
- If the video player is displayed and the carousel position is set to Vertical, the gadget will look best in a medium to large column.
- If the gadget is viewed in a small column or on mobile, the layout will condense to appear better in the smaller view and still have a functional video player. The video player will appear on most mobile sizes.
- If the gadget is viewed in a tiny column or mobile view (lower than or equal to 260 pixels wide), it will take on a default layout optimized for the smallest viewport with the video player hidden. In this view, the Autoplay button is not hidden, and the Fullscreen button is added to the toolbar, which can be used to view the video file outside the view player.
- Select the placed widget's Edit button.
- Under Integration Library, select Igloo Gadget Depot.
- Select the
Video Galleria gadget from the library.
- Review and make changes to the settings on the Options and Appearance tabs. You can find details about the widget's settings in the Settings section below.
- In the widget editor, select Update to apply your changes or Cancel to discard them.
- At the bottom of your page, space, or dashboard, select Publish or Save as Draft to save your changes.
Options tab
Setting | Description |
Title |
Enter a title for the widget. The title appears as a heading above the widget's contents. You should use the title to provide context to the widget and better structure a page's content by clearly denoting different sections. |
Title link |
Enter the URL of a location in your digital workplace. Users who select the widget's title, if it has one, will go to this location. Whether you enter the link as a relative URL or an absolute URL does not matter; it will convert to an absolute URL the next time you edit the widget. This field can contain a maximum of 2,083 characters. |
Description |
Enter a description for the widget. The description appears between the title and the widget's contents. You can use this text to provide users with information about the widget. When entering a description, only do so for the language you have currently select. If your digital workplace supports multiple languages, you should select |
Setting | Description |
Folder channel paths |
Enter a comma-separated list of URLs to identify the folder channels or folders from which the gadget will display MP4s. This should be the whole path after the site's domain. For example, for a folder located at , the path would be /files/mp4_files .To display MP4s from multiple folder channels, list the paths separated by commas. For example: /files/spring_videos , /blogs/fall_videos .We recommend using a maximum of 4 folder channel paths to maintain optimal performance and better control over what is displayed. |
Number of items to display |
Select the maximum number of MP4s to display. Options include:
Include archived items |
Select to display archived files (MP4s, PNGs, VTTs). This setting is not selected by default. |
Sort order |
Select the order in which MP4s are displayed. Options include:
Reverse sort order |
Select to reverse the sort order.
This setting is not selected by default. |
Document label order |
Enter a comma-separated list of labels to identify a custom order for the MP4s. MP4s are grouped according to their labels, which are used to arrange the order. Within the groups, the MP4s are sorted according to the selected Sort order. Ordering by labels is applied after MP4s have been sorted using the selected Sort Order and reduced in quantity by the selected Number of items to display. Keep in mind the following when using this functionality:
Setting | Description |
Hide the video player |
Select to hide the interactive video player. If selected, the Carousel Layout will be set to Horizontal, the Toolbar Layout will be set to Top, and the Autoplay and Fullscreen buttons will be displayed unless hidden. This setting is not selected by default. |
Fallback error image - thumbnails |
Enter the absolute URL of an image to display when a video thumbnail does not exist. This can occur when:
By default, this will display an image that says "Thumbnail Not Available". |
Choose whether the links open in the same or new tab |
Select how users experience links that redirect to another location. Options include:
Choose what happens when you click on thumbnails |
Select what happens when users select a thumbnail. Options include:
Choose the carousel layout | Select how the gadget displays thumbnails. Options include:
Choose the toolbar position | Select how the gadget displays the toolbar. Options include:
Choose the toolbar transition interval |
When the Carousel Layout is set to Vertical, the toolbar will be displayed when the video player is paused and hidden when it is playing. If the video is paused, it will reappear at a configurable interval (seconds). Options include:
Choose the carousel transition interval |
Select how much time is spent on each thumbnail when autoplay is enabled. Options include:
Hide the autoplay button |
Select to hide the This setting will be enabled by default if the video player is displayed in the gadget. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the Copy URL button |
Select to hide the When clicked, options include:
This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the video location button |
Select to hide the Whether the MP4 is opened in the same tab or a new tab is determined by the setting Choose whether the links open in the same or new tab. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the fullscreen button |
Select to hide the This is separate from the Fullscreen button in the video player's toolbar, which will open up the MP4 in the video player's fullscreen mode and can be accessed by double-clicking the video player. This setting is unselected by default. |
Hide the like button and likes count |
Select to hide the This setting is unselected by default. |
Hide the video title from the toolbar |
Select to hide the active MP4's title on the gadget's toolbar. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the video description from the toolbar |
Select to hide the active MP4's description on the gadget's toolbar. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the video count from the toolbar |
Select to hide the index of the currently active MP4 file and total file count from appearing on the gadget's toolbar. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the video title from the carousel |
Select to hide the titles of MP4 files in the carousel. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the playback rate button |
Select to hide the Playback Rate button from the video player's toolbar. Users can interact with this button to change the speed of the active MP4. Options include:
This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the captions button |
Select to hide the If no subtitle files are found in the source location, this button will be hidden by default. If this setting is enabled, the gadget will not search for subtitles or chapter files in the source location. This setting is not selected by default. |
Hide the picture-in-picture button |
Select to hide the This setting is not selected by default. This feature does not work and will not display in Firefox browsers. |
Disable video audio |
Select to mute all videos in the video player. Videos will play without audio. If selected, the volume toggle button will also be hidden. This setting is not selected by default. |
Setting | Description |
Check to load styles from the main Igloo stylesheet |
Select to style the gadget according to the theme of your digital workplace. This setting is selected by default. |
Choose the color scheme |
Select a color scheme. Options include:
If Check to load styles from the main Igloo style sheet is selected, this setting will use the color theme of your digital workplace when determining the colors of the gadget. If it is not selected, the color scheme will use black ( |
Custom CSS file |
If you are using a custom CSS file to style this gadget, enter the absolute URL of where the style sheet is located. Keep in mind the following:
Play button background color |
Enter the color used for the background of the large Play button in the center of the video player. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Play button icon color |
Enter the color used for the play icon in the large Play button in the center of the video player. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Toolbar background color |
Enter the color used for the background of the toolbar. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Toolbar text color |
Enter the color used for the text of the toolbar. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Toolbar button color |
Enter the color used for the background of the toolbar buttons. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Toolbar button on hover background color |
Enter the color used for the background of toolbar buttons when they are hovered over. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Carousel background color |
Enter the color used for the background of the carousel. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Carousel button and text color |
Enter the color used for the following:
Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Carousel button on hover background color |
Enter the color used for the background color of carousel buttons when they are hovered over and the background color of the active MP4 in the carousel. Use any of the following formats:
The default value is:
Appearance tab
Setting | Description |
Class |
Enter CSS class selectors to provide additional styling to the widget. For more information, see Applying custom CSS to widgets. |
Height |
Select the height of the widget. The default value is Auto (leftmost slider position)s, which scales the widget's height to fit its contents. You can use the slider to set a fixed height between 50px to 600px in increments of 50px. Selecting a Height other than Auto will add a vertical scrollbar to the gadget. |
Your digital workplace's theme overwrites many of the settings on the Appearance tab. However, the settings listed above are usable.
Using it
Adding custom poster frames
To add a custom poster frame to a video, upload a PNG file in the same folder as the video. This PNG file must have the following properties:
- The file must be a valid PNG file, and have .png at the end of the file name.
- The PNG file's name must match the name of the associated video. For example, If the video title is
Catching a wave.mp4
, the poster frame must be namedCatching a wave.mp4.png
Adding subtitles
Subtitles allow for text to be displayed on a video. To add subtitles to a video, upload a VTT file for each language you want to support into the same folder as the video. This VTT file must have the following properties:
- The file must be a valid VTT file, and have .vtt at the end of the file name. See below for an example file or refer to Mozilla's Web Video Text Tracks Format.
- The VTT file's name must match the associated video's name and include a valid language code. For language codes, see Supported Languages. For example, If the video title is
Catching a wave.mp4
, the subtitles file must be namedCatching a wave.mp4_en.vtt
Here is an example of the contents of a subtitles file:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.000
This is the first subtitle.
00:00:05.000 --> 00:00:10.000
This is the second subtitle.
00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:15.000
This is the third subtitle.
When adding subtitles, keep in mind the following:
- If Hide the captions button is enabled, users won't be able to enable subtitles on a video regardless of whether it has the required files.
Adding chapters
Chapters allow users to go to a specific point in a video. To add chapters to a video, upload a VTT file for each language you want to support into the same folder as the video. This VTT file must have the following properties:
- The file must be a valid VTT file, with .vtt at the end of the file name. See below for an example file or refer to Mozilla's Web Video Text Tracks Format.
- The VTT file's name must match the associated video's name, include a valid language code, and indicate that it is for chapters. For language codes, see Supported Languages. For example, If the video title is
Catching a wave.mp4
, the chapters file must be namedCatching a wave.mp4_en_chapters.vtt
Here is an example of the contents of a chapters file:
00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
1.Chapter one
00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:20.000
2.Chapter two
00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:30.000
3.Chapter three
When adding chapters, keep in mind the following:
- If Hide the captions button is enabled, users won't be able to select chapters on a video regardless of whether it has the required files.
- If chapters are provided in the user's selected language, that file will be used. Otherwise, English chapters are used.
Linking to a specific video and time
To create a link to a specific video or time in a video:
- Select the video from the carousel to open it in the video player.
- (Optional) Select Play and pause the video when you want to link to it.
- Right-click the video in the player and select either Copy video URL or Copy video URL at current time.
Users who go to the provided link will see the linked video in the video player. When they select Play, it will start playing from the copied time.
The copied URL uses a video id and time parameter that can be modified after copying:
Large view with video player:
Small view without video player:
The video player allows for hotkey navigation when the video player is focused:
- Space or k: Play/Pause the video.
- M: Mute/Unmute the video.
- F: Enter/Exit fullscreen.
The gadget will be unable to display any information if any of the following conditions are met:
- No valid folder channel or folder paths are provided in the gadget configuration.
- A valid folder channel or folder path was provided, but there are no MP4 files in the folder channel or folder.